TMFC, Texas Industry is Driving Progress on Flaring

TMFC, Texas Industry is Driving Progress on Flaring

150 150 The Texas Methane & Flaring Coalition


With the goal of reducing flaring and eventually ending routine flaring, the Texas Methane & Flaring Coalition strives to hold conversations with regulators to offer pragmatic approaches to achieve these goals while ensuring that the Texas oil and natural gas industry continues to thrive and provide essential products and energy security for the United States.

The Coalition recognizes the importance of developing a more stringent framework for granting exceptions to flaring, enhancing reporting requirements, and providing more data to create opportunities for further analysis by regulators. Through the Coalition, operators in Texas are also sharing information and building upon best practices. This collaboration among operators and in conjunction with regulators is leading to the creation of real solutions on the issue of flaring, building upon work that industry is already doing to address climate concerns.

Meaningful action toward climate progress is rooted in investment and innovation and no one is investing more in clean tech than the U.S. oil and natural industry.  From 2000 to 2016, U.S. oil and natural gas companies invested over $300 billion in greenhouse gas mitigating technologies – more than the rest of the private sector and the government combined during that period.  Because of these investments, smart policies and science-based regulations, America’s environment is cleaner than ever before.

Many companies in the Texas oil and natural gas industry are continuing to take decisive actions to achieve the goal of ending routine flaring, and the Texas Methane & Flaring Coalition will continue to be a catalyst for industry, regulators, NGOs and communities to collaborate on meaningful solutions to environmental issues.