• Develop recommendations that will improve data quality for accuracy and consistency in reporting vented and flared volumes.
  • Define why and when flaring is necessary and communicate the environmental and safety reasons that may necessitate flaring.
  • Identify, assess, and recommend opportunities and best practices to minimize methane emissions and flaring.
  • Evaluate existing studies and summarize findings.



Texans for Natural Gas Report: Methane Emissions Intensity in Permian Basin Has Declined Almost 70% Since 2011

150 150 The Texas Methane & Flaring Coalition

  November 4, 2021 Austin, Texas – Methane emissions intensity in the Permian Basin has declined almost 70 percent since 2011, as oil…

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RRC: Statewide Gas Flaring Falls to Lowest Rate in Years

150 150 The Texas Methane & Flaring Coalition

  September 29, 2021 The following release originally appeared here on the RRC website on September 24, 2021. AUSTIN –…

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RRC Comments on Continued Flaring Reduction Progress

150 150 The Texas Methane & Flaring Coalition

  September 14, 2021 Today the Railroad Commission of Texas met for a regular open meeting and discussed the continued…

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